Real Estate Property Management Fees in Central Florida Explained

Real Estate Property Management Fees in Central Florida Explained

A front view of a desk where a centered miniature house model softly blends into the background. In the foreground, keys rest on the left, coins are at the center, and stacks of coins rest atop paper bills on the right, symbolizing the intricacies of property management fees.

Investment property owners who choose to use a property management company may have questions about where their fee money goes. While we can’t speak for other organizations, when you work with The Realty Medics, we can explain real estate property management fees in Central Florida.  Common Property Management Fees Leasing Fee Finding the right tenant … Read more

The Real Estate Investor’s Essential Guide to Understanding Property Owner Statements

A man in a grey shirt is sitting in front of a large window. His attention is fixed on a set of documents, including property owner statements. On his right side is a laptop on the table.

When you own investment property in the Orlando area, how do you know if you’re getting a good return on your investment (ROI)? It starts by having the right data at your fingertips, especially when it comes to property owner statements. With The Realty Medics, you’ll always have access to vital information about your rental … Read more

5 Property Preventative Maintenance Must-Dos That Can Save Costly Headaches

A person in a tool belt with a hammer and level tool, inspecting the house exterior for property preventative maintenance.

As a rental property owner, you want to make sure your investment stays in good working order. Just like your primary residence, property preventative maintenance can prevent costly issues down the line. We recommend periodic inspections for every rental property, confirming tenant care and catching problems early while they’re still small. Air Conditioning In Central … Read more

Does the Investment Property Deal Make Sense? What to Look for Before Purchasing

A house with white walls, a light brown roof, a concrete walkway, and a 'For Sale' sign on a grassy lawn – an attractive investment property deal.

When you decide to add rental properties to your portfolio, how do you know if it’s a solid investment? It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to real estate investing, or a seasoned owner. Before pulling the trigger on any rental home purchase, smart investors ask themselves: Do the numbers for the investment property deal make … Read more

What is a Property Management Agreement?

Two people sitting at a desk discussing some paperwork.

Orlando area investment property owners who don’t want to self manage turn to property management companies. If you’ve never worked with a property manager, you may not be familiar with the process. Property managers will walk clients through how their company supports clients and ask the owner to sign a property management agreement. But what … Read more

Why Rental Property Walkthroughs are Essential to the Success of Your Investment

A person holding a clipboard with a checklist marking off items. The person is standing in front of a two story house.

Rental property owners, how do you know your tenants are taking care of your investment? Doing due diligence before accepting a new renter doesn’t mean you can just chill and collect the checks after lease signing. Periodic check-ups can help you ensure everything’s copacetic. It might feel awkward to walk around other people’s stuff, but … Read more

New to Central Florida? Visit These Beaches

central Florida beach during the daytime

Living in Central Florida almost feels like cheating at life. You enjoy endless summer, a laid-back atmosphere, and the most beautiful beaches in the world (our humble opinion, of course). The Orlando area lets you easily access the clear calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico or the rad waves of the Atlantic Ocean. If … Read more