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Maintenance Request

Inform Us of a Maintenance Issue

How to reach The Realty Medics for Maintenance:

Maintenance Videos

We want to provide our tenants with information on how to properly diagnose and fix maintenance issues within the home. Click the video links below to learn more.


Note: Tenants are responsible for the first $35.00 of any repair request they make, except for issues related to the structural integrity of the home, appliances, or the A/C system. If the repair is due to tenant-caused damage, tenants are responsible for 100% of the repair costs. These terms are outlined in your lease agreement.

Repair or damage caused by your negligence or misuse is your responsibility. In such cases, repairs will be made, but you will be charged for the cost of the labor and materials. Damages or plumbing stoppages caused by your negligence or misuse will be paid by you.

Release of Key

I understand that if I do not authorize a release of a key to a vendor, I will need to be available to give the vendor access to the property.